
This category uses the parent command /server and contains server regarding commands.

/server icon

Shows the servers icon.

/server icon

/server emojis

Shows all the emojis from the server.

/server emojis

/server info

Shows information about the server.

The bot needs Ban Members and Manage Server permissions to display the amount of banned members and show the amount of invites.

/server info

/server lock

Lock your server down.

Following permissions for the @everyone role are going to set to disabled:

  • Create Threads (public and private)

  • Use Application Commands

  • Send Messages

  • Add Reactions

After using this command, no one will be able to do above mentioned things unless they have a role which overrides this, for example a moderator role. If you've set these permissions to every role, this command will not work as expected.

Author and bot require Manage Role permission.

/server lock

/server unlock

Removes an applied lockdown.

Following permissions for the @everyone role are going to set to enabled:

  • Send Messages

  • Add Reactions

The other permissions must be set manually. The bot will remove some more permissions than granting them, as not every server has the same basic permission setup.

Author and bot require Manage Role permission.

/server unlock

Last updated