
This group provides channel related commands.

/channel info

This command shows information about a text channel in the server. If none is provided, the message channel is used.

/channel info [channel]

/channel recreate

This command clones a channel and deletes the original copy.

The bot needs Manage Channels permission to execute this command.

/channel <channel>

/channel lock

Lock a channel. If you don't have "regular" permissions, this probably won't work, as it disabled the ability for the @everyone role to write in the current channel.

Author and bot both require Manage Channel and Manage Role permissions to execute this command.

/channel lock [channel]

/channel unlock

Unlock a channel. Allows the @everyone role to write in that channel again.

Author and bot both require Manage Channel and Manage Role permissions to execute this command.

/channel unlock [channel]

/channel clear

Delete messages in that channel. Also displays how many messages per user have been deleted.

Bot requires Manage Messages and Read Message History to execute this command and the author requires Manage Messages permission to execute this command.

/channel clear <amount> [channel]

/channel name

Rename a channel.

Bot requires Manage Channels to execute this command and the author requires Manage Channels to execute this command.

/channel name <string: name> [channel]

Last updated